Saturday, 26 July 2014

Educate your Teenagers on Drugs Prescription abuse

Educate your Teenagers on Drugs Prescription abuse
Educate your Teenagers on Drugs Prescription abuse.
Teenagers are very impressionable.They are at an age where they feel they know everything and usually end up overdoing anything they indulge in.
One of the biggest dangers facing our youth today is the abuse of prescription drugs, and abuse rates are increasing at an alarming rate. According to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, one in five teens say

Signs of Cocaine use in Loved ones

Are you worried your child,partner or somebody you care about might be using cocaine?Well,if the answer is yes,here are some tell tale cocaine signs.
One of the most consistent signs of cocaine abuse is a user disappearing frequently and every time they return they are in a different mood,excitable
