Saturday, 26 July 2014

Signs of Cocaine use in Loved ones

Are you worried your child,partner or somebody you care about might be using cocaine?Well,if the answer is yes,here are some tell tale cocaine signs.
One of the most consistent signs of cocaine abuse is a user disappearing frequently and every time they return they are in a different mood,excitable
and more confident! The highs of cocaine don't last too long so this explains the frequent disappearance. A man usually is more energetic and hyper and a lady might feel more sexual and talk a lot.It also triggers hunger in some people.Sleep is also sporadic and unpredictable,this are common signs of cocaine use or cocaine abuse. 

When you use cocaine ,you can't always be aware of yourself or surroundings,white powder being visible around the nose is not uncommon.But having said that,not all users of cocaine snort it.Some cocaine users dissolve and inject it,some even ingest it..some simply rub it into their gums.For those who ingest it,this can lead to severe intestinal damage.
Other signs of Cocaine use also include frequently runny nose,and nose bleeds are common too.Dilated pupils are signs to look out for as well.In some users their eyes become overly sensitive to light.
For cocaine users who inject,you can look out for needle marks on their arms,legs,in between toes..just general needle marks around the body.

Crack cocaine is smoked. You may find small glass pipes and tiny plastic bags left behind after a person smokes crack. A crack high is similar to a powder cocaine high
but it does not last as long. A crack user may go off to use more of the drug after just ten or fifteen minutes. A crack user may have burns on lips and fingers as a sign of cocaine use, because of burns from the crack pipes.
When the user becomes really prolific in the use of cocaine,common signs like disorientation, delusions, paranoia, antisocial behavior and aggressiveness become very apparent. A user slowly starts to put cocaine above everything else and you notice things that they were once very involved and in tune with has now been left to total neglect.Friendships,work and relationships begin to suffer.
When a user has been using cocaine over a long time period of time, they are likely to suffer physical and mental deterioration. Symptoms of cocaine abuse over a long time period can include the drug abuser being depressed, agitated, nervous, tired but unable to sleep. They may be seriously distressed about life without a good reason. They will certainly have strong cravings for the drug. When use has gone on for a long period, signs of cocaine use will include a tolerance for the drug and that requires more of the drug to create a similar effect to earlier use.

If they try to discontinue use, they will experience intense cravings for the drug. They may experience a "crash" consisting of depressed moods, anxiety, irritability, apathy and long periods of sleep.
As a strong stimulant, cocaine places severe stresses on a person's heart and vascular system. When cocaine is used, the heart speeds up and the blood vessels constrict. This combination of effects can trigger a heart attack, stroke or cardiac arrest.
Cocaine consumption over a period of time puts a user at risk with enlarged or damaged hearts,that as a result can't pump blood efficiently in the body!

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