Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Alcoholism symptoms and the effects of addiction.

Image result for alcoholism and mental health
Alcoholism symptoms.Alcohol is the silent social friend that could destroy you as it has destroyed millions if care is not taken.Because of the social acceptability of alcohol,it is very easy for one to quickly get addicted to the habit.
Did you know that either directly or indirectly alcohol causes two million deaths each year around the world?Millions more lose their health, their families, their jobs or just the joy of living.
One of the difficulties with eliminating alcohol abuse is its legality. Drinking itself is legal in

Meth addiction,the symptoms,effects,Rehab treatment and withdrawal.

Meth Addiction.Methamphetamine (meth) is one of the most powerful highly addictive stimulant that can be smoked, injected, inhaled or taken by mouth. Symptoms of meth addiction include: increased attention and decreased fatigue. increased activity and wakefulness.
Many lives and families have been destroyed by this terribly addictive drugs.Some of the
