Thursday, 7 July 2016

How to get free rehab treatment on NHS in UK.

Free Rehab on NHS.Good news for people who need help with their drug,alcohol or substance abuse but can't afford it.The NHS has free Rehab treatment for you.All UK residents have the option of addiction treatment through the NHS at community based rehab or private residential rehab, which is free.  In order to qualify for NHS funding at a residential rehab clinic you may have to show that you have explored local community-based treatment options first. Your GP can refer you to your nearest alcohol and drug action team. Accessing residential rehab this way may take a number of weeks, depending on the
willingness of your local addiction team to fund your treatment.

Types of Services Available with Free NHS rehab program.

It is impossible to provide a list of every free service or program offered or recommended by the NHS in the limited amount of space we have here. However, Middlegate can help you locate the opportunities that are right for you and your circumstances. Here are some of the types of services available:
  • Outpatient Programs – Also known as ‘day programs’, outpatient programs are held at various medical facilities around the country. In one of these programs, the alcoholic comes to the facility on a regularly scheduled basis to receive counselling, group therapy, and other appropriate treatments.
  • Group Counselling – There are a number of organisations offering group counselling and therapy sessions for alcoholics. These programs are typically voluntary, and rely heavily on the willingness of the individual to continue attending faithfully.
  • Individual Counselling – One-on-one counselling is another option available to alcoholics. This type of counselling can be offered as part of an outpatient program, a charity, or an individual service targeted at alcoholics.
  • Support Groups – Support groups can sometimes be helpful in the initial stages of treatment. However, they are essential after treatment has been completed. The support group provides the accountability the former alcoholic needs to remain sober.
  • Charities – Although not directly sponsored by the NHS, a number of charities exist around the UK offering help at various levels. Some offer phone support, others offer day programs; still others offer one-on-one or group support. Middlegate can get you in touch with these charities.

NHS rehab benefits:

+ Free of charge;
+ Confidentiality;
+ Accessible to everyone;
+ Located in the local community, close to home and family;
- Lengthy admissions process;
- Might not be referred to residential rehab;
- Patients may be asked to go to different clinics/centres for different treatments;
- Recovery may be affected by life distractions and access to drugs and alcohol;
- Access to the personal therapist is more limited;
- Patients may not have the same therapist/staff caring for them throughout treatment;
- It may be more challenging to build an outpatient support network.
Goodluck on your quest for recovery and treatment.

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